On Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Central Bucks South senior Connor Stackhouse was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play soccer at Holy Family University.
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Connor Stackhouse – Holy Family University (Soccer)
Major: Secondary Education
Final list of colleges: Holy Family, La Salle, Elizabethtown
Reasons for choosing Holy Family: “I wanted to stay close to this area. They have a good coaching staff, and they said I would fit in well with their team.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate soccer? “My dad was a very good player – he was an All-American in high school and college, so I always dreamed of playing college soccer.”
Coach Don Brady says: “He’s a great kid from a great family. Connor is a very technical player. He has a good first touch, and he helps our possession game. He’s the pulse to our possession game in terms of being in the midfield. He keeps the flow of the game going, and he has an incredible shot. He was our leading goal scorer this year with seven goals and was one of our co-captains.”
About Connor:
Favorite food: Steve’s Prince of Steaks
Favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
Favorite music: Coldplay
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