On Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014, Upper Dublin senior Jennifer Harchut was recognized at a special news conference for committing to play field hockey at Columbia University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Jennifer Harchut – Columbia University (Field Hockey)
Major: Economics
Final list of colleges: Columbia, La Salle, St. Joe’s, Penn
Reasons for choosing Columbia: “I really wanted to go to an academically challenging school, and the chance to play field hockey under such great coaches with such a great group of girls was just the best of both worlds.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate field hockey? “I had always seen myself playing a sport in college, and in high school under Miss Boyer and with my club coach, I just realized I really, really loved field hockey.”
Coach Heather Boyer says: “Jen has just been a complete, all-around amazing field hockey player. She’s smart, she’s very savvy, she’s got terrific stickwork, she has great vision, and she just really knows how to play the game well.
“She’s a phenomenal student of the game. She’s spent a lot of time in the Mystx program, working with the Reinprechts and really learning from higher examples how to become a better player. She never stopped being a student of the game, and that’s an important component to taking the game to the next level. She’s a great student too. I have her in class, and the same focus you see on the playing field is what you see in the classroom as well.”
About Jennifer:
Favorite food: Mashed Potatoes
Favorite movie: The Sound of Music
Favorite music: Everything
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