On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Upper Dublin senior Justine Morgan was recognized at a special news conference for committing to compete in track and field at Monmouth University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Justine Morgan – Monmouth University (Track & Field)
Major: Undecided
Final list of colleges: Monmouth, Lafayette, Shippensburg, Rider
Reasons for choosing Monmouth: “I loved everything about it - especially the track team, which was definitely a really big factor for me.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in track and field at the collegiate level? “My family has always been pretty big in track, so it’s been a big part of my life for a while. I knew I would want to stay involved with it for as long as I could.”
Coach Matt Dwyer says: “When Justine was a freshman, it was my first year of coaching here. She thought she was just a javelin thrower, and we kind of talked her into doing all three (throws). She didn’t enjoy it at first, but she experienced a little bit of success, and she’s a hard worker. Just the hard work she’s put in over the past four years has been amazing to watch. The shot put became her best event. She really focused on the technique - how do I improve it and how do I improve my strength. The beauty is you can tell her to go do something, and you don’t have to watch over her – you know it’s going to get done. That hard work and self discipline were probably the two biggest aspects and the two biggest reasons for her success.”
Coach Paul Vandergrift says: “We have two coaches, and they’re working with the sprinters and distance runners. Very often the throwers are left to their own devices. Every time I gave her something to do or she had some exercises to do from her personal coach – she did them. I could always count on her leading the younger throwers and doing what she was supposed to be doing because she wanted to get better. It’s as simple as that. She worked hard and improved because she was interested in getting better at it and not just participating and being there as part of a social outlet.”
Coach Cardwell Wootten says: “Just her drive to get better – she’s really someone who wants to be at the top of her game, and athletes like that always do really well. She trained in school and then would come lift with me. She probably put in four hours a day in training.”
About Justine:
Favorite food: Red Robin
Favorite movie: Miracle
Favorite music: Everything
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