Upper Merion Athletes Name Colleges

On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, thirteen Upper Merion seniors were recognized for signing letters of intent to play their respective sports at the collegiate level. Cardinal Camera sponsors all SOL college signings on SuburbanOneSports.com. For additional information about purchasing a commemorative keepsake of the signing, please click on the following link: http://www.suburbanonesports.com/forms/college-signings.


Colleen Bowes - Penn College of Technology (Soccer)

Dominique Gambone – Millersville University (Lacrosse)

Casey Griffith – UMBC (Volleyball)

Trevor Kupecky – Hofstra University (Lacrosse)

Justin Lewis – Cairn University (Basketball)

Ryan Marquez – Wesley College (Football)

Amanda McAteer – The College of William and Mary (Field Hockey)

Connor McGrath – West Chester University (Football)

Robert McLaughlin – Rochester Institute of Technology (Rowing)

Kristina O’Sullivan – United States Air Force Academy (Soccer)

Tyler Painter – Rochester Institute of Technology (Rowing)

Sarah Schunder – York College (Softball)

Adam Tancini – Lycoming College (Football)