Virtu to Play Football at Susquehanna

On Thursday, May 2, 2013, Wissahickon senior CJ Virtu was recognized for signing a letter of intent to compete in football at Susquehanna University.

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CJ Virtu – Susquehanna University (Football)

Major:  Accounting

Final list of colleges:  Susquehanna, King’s

Reasons for choosing Susquehanna: “I just felt a little more at home at Susquehanna, and it seemed like the players there were a little more dedicated to the team and the program.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate football?  “I started thinking about it my sophomore and maybe even my freshman year. That’s when I was like, ‘This is something I want to do in college.’ I just have a love for the sport, and I didn’t really care what level it was at. I just wanted to keep playing the game.”

Coach Jeff Cappa says:  “CJ was one of our captains. He’s a two-way starter at center and linebacker. CJ was really the quarterback of our offensive line because he made all of our line calls. He knew the blocking schemes. When we talk about Dan Murphy’s great ability – he also had a great offensive line to run behind, and it was anchored by CJ Virtu. CJ is just a tough, hard-nosed kid. He’s a leader by what he does. He leads by example. He was dedicated in the offseason and made tremendous progress with his speed and strength from his junior to senior year. That’s why he was able to earn first team all-conference honors and now is able to go on and play college football.”

About C.J.
Favorite food: 
“A good cheese steak – I’m a fan of Philly’s Famous Buffalo Cheese Steaks.”
Favorite movie:  Remember the Titans
Favorite music:  Rap and Hip Hop