On Friday, Nov. 21, 2014, Wissahickon senior Brittany Gelman was recognized at a special news conference for committing to play softball at Emory University. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery at the following link: http://photos.suburbanonesports.com/g/112114_signings_5_mjs
Brittany Gelman – Emory University (Softball)
Major: Business
Final list of colleges: Emory, Emerson, Brandeis University
Reasons for choosing Emory: “I was looking at a lot of schools in the Northeast, and when I started looking at Emory in the South, it was really appealing because I could play all year. It’s one of the best schools in the country, and they’re really good at softball. It’s also a beautiful campus.”
What was the progression that led you to playing softball at the collegiate level? “In eighth grade, I decided I wanted to play in college, and it’s been really hard over the last four years, especially because I knew I wanted to play at a high academic school, and they don’t really make their decisions until this year, so the last couple of years I had no idea. I just found out.”
Coach Crystalrae States: “Brittany Gelman just has a love for the game. She’s played since she was a little girl. I met her two years ago, and in the time that I’ve known her, she knows the game inside and out. She always wants to be playing softball, and she’s developed a skill set over her lifetime that’s really helped her be a good leader and a good ballplayer.
“Brittany has one of the best outfield arms that I’ve seen in any player for a long time. She’s smart about making the right plays, and at the plate, she has the potential to hit a long ball if she needs to. She can also bunt and can be an offensive threat as a well, which is key.”
About Brittany:
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite movie: Catching Fire
Favorite music: Taylor Swift
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