Manheim Township vs. Central Bucks West

Central Bucks West Comments
CB WEST shots on goal = 14
CB WEST corners = 10
Manheim shots on goal =20
Manheim corners = 16

Scoring summary
Manheim - Brook Wearer from Julia Weaver 2:48 on corner
Manheim - Rose Montgomery unassisted 10:28
Manheim - Ella Renz from Julia Weaver 4:01
CB West - Calista Boos on a stroke 0:38 into start of 2nd half
CB West - Heidi Schoenleber from Aida on a corner 9:12
Manheim - Addison Landis unassisted 1:57
Manheim - Brooke Weaver from Rose Montgomery 6:29
CB West - Aida Ierubino unassisted 0:02 left in game

Coach comments:
Today was a great testament to the fighting spirit of our team. We were sloppy today and it was not our best showing - but not from a lack of effort. We were down 3-0 at half and came back to make it 3-2 at the end of the 3rd quarter. We need to do a better job setting our kids up for success - 4 games in 6 days (the last 2 less than 24 hours apart) in this heat was too much to beat a talented, well coached Manheim team. There is a lot to learn from this game and I have no doubt we will come out of it a better team - maybe something more valuable than a win at this stage in the season.