Plymouth Whitemarsh vs. Council Rock North

Plymouth Whitemarsh Comments
PWFH vs. Council Rock North (9.18.24)


Scoring Statistics
Gracie Kerns - 2 Goals
Sammy Kallan - 1 Goal, 2 assists
Emily Dobrowolski - 1 assist

Scoring by Quarter

Q1 (0-0)

Q2 (2-1)
12:24 - PW Goal scored by Gracie Kerns, assisted by Sammy Callan
7:11 - PW Goal scored by Sammy Callan, assisted by Emily Dobrowolski
:45 - CRN Goal

Q3 (2-1)

Q4 (3-1)
10:37 - PW Goal scored by Gracie Kerns, assisted by Sammy Callan on a corner

"PW and Council Rock North played a competitive game this afternoon ending in a 3-1 victory for the Colonials. The game was tightly contested throughout the first quarter, but early in the second quarter Gracie Kerns was able to finish a play from Sammy Callan to give PW a 1-0 lead. Callan would find the back of the cage midway through the quarter to put the Colonials on top 2-0. CR North responded right before the half with a goal of their own. The game stayed tight through the 3rd quarter, until Gracie Kerns was able to finish on a well-executed corner play from Sammy Callan. The PW defense stayed strong throughout the second half and limited CR North's ability to get shots off."
Council Rock North Comments
Final score: 3-1 PW

Quarter 2:
:45 Izzy teitelman

Quarter 4:

It was another strong performance from the girls. Plymouth Whitemarsh is a talented team and we held our own. I am proud of the girls for their effort through the whole 60 minutes and we can only build going forward. We had a flexible playing style today due to an injury. Izzy Teitelman scored a great goal and Julia Lyons had a great defensive save. Cara Moriarty was rock solid in cage.