Dock Mennonite Academy vs. Quakertown

Quakertown Comments
The Quakertown Panther were led by Jameson Sykes's 19 point and 7 rebounds and Sam Wilkin's 17 points and 9 rebounds. Sam led us early in the game orchestrating things from the backcourt, while Jameson carried us late in the paint. The guys did a great running our offenses and getting us good shots, which led to us shooting close to 60% in the first half but a team like Dock in not going down without a fight, so I knew the 26-20 halftime lead was not safe. Give credit to our players holding it down on the defensive end in the 2nd half, which kept our head above water when things got a tighter in the last two minutes of the games. Luckily, we shot 87% from the line for the game and late free throws by Jameson and Trae McCray were key.