2011 SOL Boys' BB Wrap (1-22-11)

To view action photos of the Pennsbury/Souderton and Upper Moreland/Tennent games, visit the Photo Gallery and click on the following link: http://photos.suburbanonesports.com/ 

By Scott Huff
Franconia – Both Souderton (8-6) and Pennsbury (4-11) wanted very badly to stop the bleeding of a three-game losing streak, and it was the Big Red who received first aid with a 73-63 victory.
“We are hoping that we can gain some momentum with this win and run with it,” said first-year Souderton head coach Dennis Stanton. “We needed to erase that bad feeling of a three-game losing streak.”
“After that first period when Souderton took the big lead (21-7), we played them more than even over the last three quarters,” said Pennsbury head coach Bill Coleman. “We played Pennsbury basketball – hard basketball with a lot of heart.”
Souderton got its offensive heart pumping on the play of sharp-shooting guard Anthony Sergio who scored a game-high 21 points.
“Anthony shot the ball very well tonight,” said Stanton. “It was one of his best shooting nights of the year.”
“There is no doubt that he got his stroke back tonight,” said Coleman. “We have to do a better job of stopping good shooters like him.”
Pennsbury got as close as six points in the fourth period (62-56), but the Big Red responded well to each and every Falcon run.
Zach Sibel had an impressive game for Pennsbury with a team-high 19 points, while Kieran Bolger added 15 for the Falcons.
“(Pennsbury) likes to run up and down the floor,” said Stanton. “We struggled with 17 turnovers, but we were able to get 18 assists.
“This was a nice win for us, and now we have back-to-back-to-back games next week,” added Stanton as the Indians face CB West, CB South, and Perkiomen Valley next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. “We have to be ready.”
“Things are coming together in bits and pieces,” said Coleman. “We hope to compete better in the second half of the season.”
The Falcons have the daunting task of hosting Neshaminy (12-2) on Tuesday in SOL National action.
A real-tough game to stop a four-game bleeding streak.
Pennsbury   7    18   17   21   -      63
Souderton    21   15   16   21   -      73
Pennsbury: Shawn Pepper 10; Kris Hassell 7; Kieran Bolger 15; Jon Evans 7; Jerrell Burke 5; Zach Sibel 19. Total – 63.
Souderton: Ryan Connolly 14; Dan Falenki 6; Greg Mendrzyki 7; Luke Moyer 4; Anthony Sergio 21; Mark Wonderling 10; John Kanas 6; Ray Janifer 5. Total – 73.
Bensalem doesn’t give a hoot to the Knights
Bensalem (12-3) sent out a notice to teams in District One that the Owls are for real with a 43-26 victory over North Penn (10-2).
“We are just trying to deal with what we have in front of us,” said Bensalem head coach John Mullin. “Our league – with Council Rock North, Neshaminy, and the rest – is crazy good. All of the teams are very well coached, and any team could beat any other one.
“We played a great game of defense against North Penn,” added Mullin as the Knights had one – repeat one – point in the third period. “We played a 1-3-1 zone press, fell back into a man-to-man, and did a great job of doing both. North Penn had just nine points in the second half – and that’s hard to believe.”
The x-factor – make that the big X-factor – for the Owls is 6-foor, 8-inch Calvin Brown. Brown scored 11 points and dominated inside the paint for the winners.
“Calvin can intimidate people inside,” said Mullin. “Those lost points that the other team doesn’t get won’t show up in a box score. But often those points are the difference in winning and losing the game.”
And the Owls – who have now won seven straight games - have been winning quite a few.
Bensalem            12   10   6    15   -      43
North Penn        10   7    1    8    -      26
CB East works OT to clip Golden Hawks
Central Bucks East (8-5) won its sixth game in a row with a thrilling 57-56 overtime victory over Council Rock South (6-9).
“Our players are really feeling good about (themselves),” said Central Bucks East head coach Erik Henrysen. “We have shown late in games that we are capable of scoring the important points.
“This is a team that has had seven or eight key contributors,” added Henrysen. “I really don’t know who that key guy is going to be until the game unfolds.”
The key guy for the Patriots in the win over Rock South was 6-foot, 3-inch junior Ryan O’Neil. O’Neil scored a team-high 17 points including a key bucket in the overtime.
“Ryan is becoming one of the better players in the league,” said Henrysen.
In addition to O’Neil, Steve Topley scored in double digits for the Patriots with 10 points. DJ Beausejour scored all four of his points in the overtime.
Council Rock South was led in scoring by Christian Crane with a game-high 20 points to go along with 13 assists. Justin Thomas scored in twin digits for the Hawks with 13 points and 13 rebounds.
Central Bucks East   7     10   21   13   6     -      57
CR South                   11   14   12   14   5     -      56
Suburban One League Challenge Games
Upper Dublin (10-7) upset Pennridge (12-3) by a 57-51 score in a SOL Challenge contest played at Upper Dublin.
The Flying Cardinals were led by John Decamara with 17 points. Khalil Owens added 13 points, while Tyreek Magruder tallied 11 points for the winners.
The Rams had three players score in twin digits. Mike Gulden scored a game-high 17 points, while Andrew Lyons (12) and Tim Abruzzo (11) scored in double digits.
Pennridge           12   7     16   16   -      51
Upper Dublin     16   12   8    21   -      57
Council Rock North (14-1) cruised to a victory over Central Bucks West (9-5) as the Indians routed the Bucks – 65-31.
Arron Goodman led Rock North with 16 points. Charlie Anastasi (15) and Aaron Morgan also cracked double figures for the winners.
The lone scorer in double figures for West was Derek Dyer who scored a team-high 15 points.
Central Bucks West 3    4    14   10   -      31
Council Rock North 9    13   20   23   -      65
Norristown (13-2) captured a win over Central Bucks South (2-13) – 58-44.
The Eagles were led in scoring by Jahquan Hargrove who drained four 3-pointers and scored a game-high 17 points. Aaron Webb scored in twin digits for Norristown with 11 points.
Central Bucks South had a pair of double-digit scorers. Chase Vonder Schalz led the Titans with 13 points, while Steve Schneider added 12 points.
Norristown         17   13   20   8    -      58
CB South            10   11   9    14   -      44
Cheltenham (11-4) had to work OT to defeat rival Abington (6-10) – 50-45.
Jarrell Haywood was the high scorer for the Panthers with 18 points, while Nafis Walker added 11 points. Lamont McGlawn was a perfect 4-4 on the free throw line in the overtime.
Abington featured the scoring of Jordan Simmons and Chris Ruhl who each scored 15 points. DJ McFadden scored in twin digits with 13 points for the Ghosts.
Cheltenham        11   14   11   4     10   -      50
Abington            6    10   15   11   5    -      45
Wissahickon (8-7) rallied from a six point first quarter deficit to defeat host Hatboro-Horsham (5-8) – 62-49.
Anthony McKie led the Trojans with a game-high 22 points. Mike Scheier added 18 points for the winners.
Shane Cummings led the Hatters with a team-high 18 points. Amrit Singh added 13 points for the HH.
Wissahickon                    8    19   20   15   -      62
Hatboro-Horsham    14   6    9    20   -      49
Harry S Truman (6-8) opened up a 19-5 first period lead as the Tigers clawed Quakertown (1-14) – 50-23.
Sophomore Merdic Green scored 14 points – had nine rebounds – and six steals to lead HST. The Tigers leading scorer was Shaun Miller with a game-high 18 points.
The leading scorer for Quakertown was Steffan Spieker who scored a team-high eight points.
Truman              19   11   13   7     -      50
Quakertown       5    11   3    4     -      23
William Tennent (4-10) snapped a seven game losing streak with a 46-43 victory over Upper Moreland (1-12).
Panther center Jack Rauchut had a terrific game with a game-high 24 points, while Shakat Kofa added nine points for the winners.
Matt Worley was the leading scorer for the Golden Bears with 10 points. Matt Kohn added eight points for UMHS.
William Tennent              14   11   16   5     -      46
Upper Moreland       9    17   8    9     -      43
‘Non SOL Challenge Games’
Neshaminy (12-2) came up with a huge win as the Redskins defeated Malvern Prep (16-4) – 61-49.
Ryan Arcidiacono led Neshaminy in scoring with 21 points, while Mike McGarry added 17 points. Dwight Williams scored in twin digits for the Skins with 16 points.
Arcidiacono hit eight of nine free throw attempts late in the game to seal the win for Neshaminy.
Neshaminy         17   13   10   21   -      61
Malvern Prep     11   14   12   12   -      49
Upper Merion (7-8) battled former SOL foe Springfield (M) and defeated the Spartans – 56-53.
The Viking backcourt of James Mobley and Pat Stringfield led them to the win. Mobley scored a game-high 23 points, while Stringfield scored in double figures with 12 points.
Upper Merion    16   11   14   15   -      56
Springfield (M) 8    10   12   23   -      53