Thomas & Fleming to Play Collegiate Baseball

On Friday, Feb. 4, 2011, Council Rock South seniors Billy Fleming and Justin Thomas were recognized at a special signing breakfast for making commitments to play baseball at the Division One level.

Billy Fleming – West Virginia University (Baseball)
Major: Business
Final list of colleges: West Virginia, Penn State, Temple
Reasons for choosing West Virginia: “Basically, it was a good fit for me. They have an opportunity for me to go in there and play as a freshman. I loved the campus, I loved the coaches and the players I met, and the players said how much they liked it there. It was the perfect school for me, so that made the decision for me.”
What position are you projected to play at West Virginia?  “They’re hoping to have me play shortstop, but if my arm isn’t strong enough to play shortstop in college, they can also move me to second base, but they’re projecting me to play shortstop.”
What was the recruiting process like for you since you were playing football for a CR South team that advanced to the district title game?  “It was a lot tougher because I couldn’t play fall baseball to try and get recruited like all of my friends did. That was a little wrench in there, but I knew it was all going to work out in the end. I knew I would find the right place, and I think West Virginia is.
“I tried to put everything baseball aside until football was over because I had another task at hand for football. I would have shorthanded my guys on the football team if I did baseball, so I put everything off until football was over. A lot of the coaches that were recruiting me understood that because they knew I had other priorities. Everything worked out in the end.”
How long have you known that you wanted to play collegiate baseball? “Basically, ever since my seventh grade year – once I moved up to the big field, I realized that I might have an opportunity to play at the next level, and my dream kind of came true.
“It’s hard to give up football, especially how competitive it is and going out under the Friday night lights – I don’t think there’s anything better than that. It’s tough to let that go, but I’m playing a sport in college, so I’m really happy about that.”
Coach Greg Young says: “Billy might be the best athlete I have ever coached. He loves to play – it doesn’t matter what sport it is. He just loves to play. He competes, he hates to lose, and he will fight until the very end in order to do what’s best for the team. Billy calls our defenses, he’s a leader and interacts with the younger kids, and you throw in his physical talents – the kid can run, he has a very good arm, and he can just flat out hit.
“He’s the prototypical Council Rock South baseball player. He’s a team-first kid, and his work ethic is unmatched - he just outworks everybody. Everything he does is top notch.”
Justin Thomas – Rider University (Baseball)
Major: Business
Final list of colleges: Rider, Quinnipiac, Western Carolina, George Mason
Reasons for choosing Rider: “I just loved the campus, I liked the coach a lot, and they had the nicest baseball facilities.”
What positions are you projected to play at Rider? “Third base, first base and possibly outfield. They told me I will have a chance to play as a freshman.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate baseball?  “Baseball was always my favorite sport. Last summer, I joined a team – the Philly Bandits, and they took everything really serious. I started getting college looks, and that’s when I realized I could play Division One baseball.”
Coach Greg Young says: “By the end of the season last year, he was one of the two or three most feared guys in our league. You just can’t get around him in the order. He hits to all fields really well, and his work ethic is unbelievable. He loves to play baseball. When you watch a kid with that kind of ability and you add the fact that he just loves to play the game, it makes him even that much better.
“Rider is a perfect fit. Barry Davis is a tremendous coach, and having him the next four years, J.T. will succeed and do really well.”