Coach: Ken Gurysh
Last year’s record: 9-4 SOL, 11-5 overall
Notable losses: Drew Keeling
Key returners: Colby Lederer (12), Dylan Amin (12), Mike Lam (11)
Others to watch: Tom Anella (11), Dom Foti (11), Kevin O’Connor (12), Zach McGowan (10), Matt Farrell (11)
Outlook: “Despite the fact that we are junior and senior heavy, we still do not have a ton of varsity match experience. Although you cannot replace a player like Drew Keeling, all of my guys have improved from last year, and we are cautiously optimistic that we can have a strong season. Colby Lederer advanced to Regionals last year and is looking to go one step further this year. Mike Lam and Dylan Amin qualified for SOL’s last year and are also looking for bigger and better things this year. Dom Foti has only been playing for a little over a year and has made great strides in his game over the summer. The SOL National is a very deep conference this year, so we will certainly have our work cut out for us.”
Fun fact: "Dom Foti eagled his first ever hole of varsity competition in the first match of the season last Friday at LuLu."
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