H-H's Casagrand Signs With UMBC

On Monday, Nov. 19, 2012, Hatboro-Horsham senior Nicole Casagrand was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play softball at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.


Nicole Casagrand – University of Maryland Baltimore County (Softball)

Major:  Psychology

Final list of colleges:  UMBC, James Madison, Elon, Rider, Mount St. Mary’s

Reasons for choosing UMBC:  “My travel coach told me to look at it, and I really liked the campus. The girls made me feel at home, and I felt really comfortable at the college.
"UMBC recruited me for pitching. They have seen what I can do, but I have to keep improving. I have to keep showing them I can do better."

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate softball?  “I actually wanted to play Division One softball since I was eight years old. I have been working towards it since I was little. Around my sophomore year, coaches came and watched me play, and it started to get serious."

Coach Joe DiFilippo said:  “Nicole is a kid who works extremely hard and has been working hard since I have known her, which is seventh or eighth grade. She came in last year, and I made her play the outfield because I didn’t realize how good a first baseman she was. I was afraid she was (too short), but she more than makes up for her height with her hustle. I’ll never forget our playoff game against Central Dauphin in the state playoffs last year when she went 4-for-5. She will be very successful in college.”

Pitching coach Roy Jenderko says:   “What you bring to the table with you as a pitching student is athleticism and your physical body size, your length. When I started working with Nicole, she was a tiny 11-year-old, but through her efforts and tremendous dedication, she made it. Last summer, she pitched for one of the best teams in the country (TNT Gold) that finished 17th in the nation. She’s a great young lady, a super young lady.”

About Nicole:
Favorite food: 
Chicken Parm
Favorite movie:  Pitch Perfect
Favorite music:  Country