Prendergast to Play Baseball at Seton Hall

On Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012, Hatboro-Horsham senior Zach Prendergast was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play baseball at Seton Hall University.

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Zach Prendergast – Seton Hall University (Baseball)

Major:  Finance

Final list of colleges:  Seton Hall, St. John’s, La Salle

Reasons for choosing Seton Hall:  “I first met up with the pitching coach (Phil Cundari), and he was amazing. He knew a lot about the game. When I went for my visit, I met the entire staff and met some of the players. I just thought it was a great fit for me. The guys were really great. They’re really tight, they’re like a family, and I think it will be a good opportunity for me to be part of it.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate baseball?  “The first time I realized we could play college baseball I thought it was a cool thing. I started asking my coaches about it, and we started contacting college coaches, and it took off from there. I have been working toward this since my freshman year.”

Coach Pete Moore says:  “Coming into Zach’s junior year, we knew that we had somebody who was pretty good and pretty special and was going to help us a lot. He was just tremendous for us last year.
“Zach was a jack-of-all-trades for us He was a utility guy in the field. He played a little bit of right field, he played third base a lot, he played second base a lot, and when Conner Crookham would pitch, he played shortstop. He’s extremely sound fundamentally, and he could play anywhere.
“Zach was one of those kids that didn’t just put in the time with us but also did a lot of work with his summer team and really got a lot of guidance from them as well. They were pretty heavily involved in the recruiting process for him, and Zach did a lot on his own to put himself in a position to be successful. It was playing with his summer and fall team that gave him the opportunity to throw in front of the Seton Hall coaches.
“We had three aces last year, and Zach was one of our aces all year long. He threw the no-hitter against Quakertown in our league opener.”

About Zach:
Favorite food: 
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite music:  Dave Matthews Band