2013 Baseball Notebook (Vol. 1)

Scott Huff highlights some of last year’s top teams as well as the top returning players from each squad.

By Scott Huff

The 2011-2012 Suburban One League conference champions all expect to be in the hunt to repeat for 2012-2013 conference titles.

Council Rock South was the SOL National Conference champion as the Golden Hawks soared to a glittering 25-3 overall mark last season.  Rock South was the PIAA state runner-up a year ago and graduated a host of college players.  Included in that brilliant list are Bret DeStefano (Kutztown), Brian Donnelly (Rider), Jeff Miller (St. Peters), Dan Callahan (La Salle), and Steve Wright (Gettysburg).

“Everything seemed to go right for them last year,” said first year Golden Hawk head coach Ted Kimer.  “We enter this season with a clean slate, but the expectations for this team is to compete for a title.

“These players want to go out and prove that they can achieve the same level of success as last year’s team,” added Kimer.  “They know that teams are going to be gunning for us this year, and we have to be able to deal with the bull’s eye on our back.

“We have a couple of players like Ryan Fleming and Greg Paprocki that are super competitors,” continued Kimer.  “And we have a great core of junior players like Jake Nevin, Will Faccenda, Sean Whelan, and Matt Walsh that are going to contribute.  This is a team that likes to play for the name on the front of the jersey, and that has been a great attitude to work with in my first season here.”

Hatboro-Horsham was the SOL Continental Conference champion as the Hatters recorded a sparkling 22-5 record last season.  Hatboro-Horsham was a PIAA Quad-A state semifinalist a year ago and graduated a host of college players.  Included in that talented list are Connor Crookham (Old Dominion), Casey Saverio (Monmouth), Chris Hens (Gwynedd Mercy), Casey O’Donnell (Philadelphia University), and Zach Crim (Chestnut Hill).

“The returning players on this team have had a taste of what it takes to compete on a championship level,” said Hatboro-Horsham head coach Pete Moore.  “There were a lot of juniors and sophomores on last year’s team that would have started other years.  It is a hungry bunch, and there is quite a bit of good competition.

“People around the area are going to look at the names of the players we lost and maybe think we won’t compete at the same level,” added Moore.  “But in Zach Prendergast (Seton Hall) and Ryan Kelly (St. Joseph University) we have a couple of division one pitchers.  This team has set the bar high.

“We have a trio of talented sophomores in the outfield in Eric Lane, Chris Crookham, and Kevin Barron,” continued Moore.  “This is a team that expects to compete for a league championship.”

Upper Moreland shared the SOL American Conference championship with Upper Dublin as the Golden Bears finished the season with a 14-4 conference record and a 16-7 mark overall.  Upper Moreland graduated a core of talented players in Sean Valenza, Ryan Snyder, Mike Janas, and Kyle Walder.

“To be able to come back and compete for a league championship is the challenge for our program,” said Golden Bear head coach Ernie Rehr.  “There is no player on this team that wants to take a step back.

“Both Robert Knox and Matt Kohn have stepped up and taken a leadership role that we need in order to become a successful team this season,” added Rehr of his gifted seniors.  “And (junior) Charlie Hooker is going to be a factor in how well we play this year.

“Every year you have to go out and replace good players,” continued Rehr.  “Our conference is a good conference, and we feel that we should be able to compete with the three of four teams that will emerge as contenders for a championship.”

Who’s who?

SOL National Conference
Abington Ghosts
Head coach Dave Torresani
Key Players – Eric Tidwell, Sean Gallagher, CJ Brennan, Frank Maguire
Bensalem Owls
Head coach – Rick Lee
Key Players – Zack Schwartz, Andy Moser
Council Rock North Indians
Head coach – Matt Schram
Key players – Max German, Brett Newman, Matt Renck, Nate English
Council Rock South Golden Hawks
Head coach – Ted Kimer
Key players – Ryan Fleming, Greg Paprocki, Will Faccenda
Harry S Truman Tigers
Head coach – Jeff Vitale
Key players – Shane Monahan, Scott Jensen, Devin McDermott, Devon Bowker
Neshaminy Redskins
Head coach – Chris Tenaglia
Key players – Justin Andrews, Cole Creighton
Pennsbury Falcons
Head coach – Joe Pesci
Key players – Brandon Garrett, Joe Sabatino, Justin Jacko, Brendan Campbell
William Tennent Panthers
Head coach – Rick Penecale
Key players – Brendon Dibona, Chuck Delgol, Mike Wasserleben, Ben Zeitz

SOL Continental Conference

Central Bucks East Patriots
Head coach – Kyle Dennis
Key players – Ben Hauser, Sean Usowski, Blair Killough, Vince Careghini

Central Bucks South Titans
Head coach – Mike Schafer
Key players – Bobby Witteman, Ricky Dennis, Jon Mullin, Will Foy, Ben Moller

Central Bucks West Bucks
Head coach – Jim Ertel
Key players – Brennan Synder, Pat Kelly, John Fritz, Cole Malinauskas

Hatboro-Horsham Hatters
Head coach – Pete Moore
Key players – Zach Prendergast, Grant Opalisky, Ryan Kelly, Brad Humski

North Penn Knights
Head coach – Kevin Manero
Key players – Eddie Posavec, Bryce Mengel, Brady West, Eric Albaugh

Pennridge Rams
Head coach – Tom Nuneviller
Key players – Evan Myers, Trevor Dalton, David Tatoian, Tyler Schoultes

Souderton Indians
Head coach – Michael Childs
Key players – Kyle Wenger, Dan O’Hara, Stephen Hink, Brian Gibbs

Quakertown Panthers
Head coach – Steve Cherrybon
Key players – Justin Hughes, Doug Barndt, Alex Dyer, Mark Repsher

SOL American Conference

Cheltenham Panthers
Head coach – Frank Decembrino
Key players – Matt Myers, Mike Lawlor, Brett Bernstein, Rafael Fernandez

Norristown Eagles
Head coach – Vince Elsier
Key players – Jimmy Perna, Vincent Catagnus
Plymouth Whitemarsh Colonials
Head coach – Chris Manero
Key players – Austin DiBonaventure

Springfield Spartans
Head coach – Chris Shelly
Key player – Anthony Scafidi

Upper Dublin Flying Cardinals
Head coach – Ed Wall
Key players – Morey Hershgordon, Bryn D’Andre, Dan Jacobsen, Matt Matricardi

Upper Merion Vikings
Head coach – Matt Mitchell
Key players – Michael Greenwood, Bobby Landmesser, Carmen Fortino, Hunter Saunders

Upper Moreland Golden Bears
Head coach – Ernie Rehr
Key players – Robert Knox, Matt Kohn, Pat Driscoll, Charlie Hooker

Wissahickon Trojans
Head coach – Shannon Gunby
Key players – Billy Macfarland, Greg McDonough, Randy Frankenfield, Michael Marcantonni

Do You Remember – 2011-2012?

Final Suburban One League Standings

SOL National Conference
1.  Council Rock Golden Hawks – 13-1.
2.  Bensalem Owls – 10-3
3.  Council Rock North Indians – 9-5.
4.  Neshaminy Redskins – 8-5.
5.  Pennsbury Falcons – 5-9
6.  Harry S Truman Tigers – 4-10.
6.  William Tennent Panthers – 4-10.
8.  Abington Ghosts – 2-12.

SOL Continental Conference
1.  Hatboro-Horsham Hatters – 12-2.
2.  Central Bucks West Bucks – 9-5.
2.  North Penn Knights – 9-5.
4.  Central Bucks South Titans – 8-6.
5.  Souderton Indians – 7-7.
6.  Central Bucks East Patriots – 4-10.
6.  Pennridge Rams – 4-10.
8.  Quakertown Panthers – 3-11.

SOL American Conference
1.  Upper Dublin Flying Cardinals – 14-4.
1.  Upper Moreland Golden Bears – 14-4.
3.  Wissahickon Trojans – 11-7.
4.  Plymouth Whitemarsh Colonials – 10-8.
5.  Cheltenham Panthers – 7-11.
6.  Upper Merion Vikings – 4-14.
7.  Norristown Eagles – 3-15.