Gorman to Play Football at Rochester

On Wednesday, February 13, 2013, Wissahickon senior Joe Gorman was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play football at the University of Rochester.

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Joe Gorman – University of Rochester (Football)

Major:  Journalism

Final list of colleges:  Rochester, Virginia Military Institute, Gannon, Johns Hopkins, Wagner

Reasons for choosing Rochester:  “For football, what I looked for was to find a great academic school. I really did want to play Division I, but it kind of came down to the fact that the Division One schools I was looking at were not academically as good as the University of Rochester. I wanted to get to where I want to be in life through a good school rather than just play football at a subpar academic school.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate football?  “Honestly, I really didn’t even think about playing in college until the end of my junior year, and then it really kicked up this summer. I went to a lot of college football camps this summer, and that’s when I really kind of knew I’d end up playing.
“I’m really excited. I really like Rochester. I really like all the coaches, and I think it’s a really good fit for me academically.”

Coach Jeff Cappa says:  “Joe was successful in football because he has a great work ethic. His parents are very supportive of the program, which makes it better to be able to push kids to excel and to go above what they think they can do. Joe’s a strong kid. He’s got great size, he’s very athletic, and he’s a multi-sport athlete. He also plays baseball. We encourage our football players to play other sports. It makes them better for football, and it makes them better for the other sport. That’s one of the things that makes Joe great. He’s a very hard worker in the classroom, so academically, that’s opened up a lot of doors for him as well for college.”

About Joe:
Favorite food: 
Cheese Steaks
Favorite movie:  Shawshank Redemption
Favorite music: Chief Keef