On Thursday, February 7, 2013, Central Bucks South senior Gabby Gibson was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play soccer at Fairleigh Dickinson. Cardinal Camera sponsors all SOL college signings on SuburbanOneSports.com. For additional information about purchasing a commemorative keepsake of the signing, please click on the following link: http://www.suburbanonesports.com/forms/college-signings.
Gabby Gibson – Fairleigh Dickinson University (Soccer)
Major: Pre-law
Final list of colleges: FDU, Wagner
Reasons for choosing Fairleigh Dickinson: “I have a mentor that is actually on the board at FDU, and he’s an attorney downtown, so it kind of all just connected. When I went up to the campus, I met with the coach, and just his vision with where he wants to take the soccer team and the style of play just all fit.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate soccer? “I think it was always a dream of mine. Just watching the Olympics when I was younger and just working, eventually getting to my sophomore year and just thinking, ‘I could do this.’ I think there’s an age where a lot of players start dropping off because of the commitment. It was around my freshman or sophomore year that I was really focused on going to college and playing.”
Highlight of playing days at CB South: “My freshman year our team made it to districts. It was my first year being on the high school team, and it was crazy just to feel all the excitement. I actually took a penalty kick that game. I had played five minutes in the first and hadn’t played the whole second half. I go in and shoot the penalty kick. It got called back because the goalkeeper moved, so I had to take another one. It just barely made it between the posts. That was definitely a highlight for me.”
Coach Joe Bocklet says: “Gabby was a forward. She’s smart and technically a sound player. Unfortunately, she had a couple of injuries she was dealing with. She tore her ACL and was out her junior year, but she’s a real smart technical, crafty player. She brought the excitement element to our team and made it enjoyable with her personality. She loves being the center of attention and making her teammates laugh. She always made a point to make the games or practices or bus rides fun and enjoyable for her teammates.”
About Gabby:
Favorite food: Lasagna
Favorite movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite music: Beyonce
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