On Thursday, May 9, 2013, William Tennent senior Taylor Hopkins was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play soccer at Goldey-Beacom College. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Taylor Hopkins - Goldey-Beacom College (Soccer)
Major: Criminal Justice
Final list of colleges: Goldey-Beacom, Penn State Abington, Johnson & Wales
Reasons for choosing Goldey-Beacom: “They offered me scholarship money, and it’s a small school. I like the class size.”
What was the progression that led you to playing soccer at the collegiate level? “I always knew I was going to play. I love soccer, and I always wanted to play as long as I can.”
Coach Dan Russo says: “Taylor was a four-year varsity player. She played the midfield and forward. Taylor was tenacious, she hated to lose, she was very strong on the ball, and she had good foot skills. She was a pleasure to coach.”
About Taylor:
Favorite food: Cheese Steaks
Favorite movie: Dark Knight
Favorite music: Country
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