Central Bucks West vs. Souderton

Central Bucks West Comments
CB West scored 5 runs on 6 hits and committed 4 errors.

Souderton scored 0 runs, had 4 hits and committed 0 errors.

Winning pitcher was Taylor Bobek (6 wins, 5 losses) She struck out 5 and walked 0.

Losing pitcher Parker, she struck out 3 and walked 5

CB West scored 1 in the 3rd, 2 in the 5th and 2 in the 6th inning.

Muliple hits CB West Shelby Spressart 2 for 3, and Taylor Bobek 2 for 2

Multiple hits for Souderton Parking 2 for 3

Extra base hits CB West Cassie Zanolini and Kate Roth 1 double each.

CB West overall record 6W - 5L, Continental Division 2W - 5L

Souderton Continental Division 1W - 5L