Hatboro-Horsham vs. Central Bucks West

Hatboro-Horsham Comments
1st Half: Syd Rausa Goal,Gabby Acker Assist(12:03). 8 Corners. Emily Braunewell 5 saves.
Central Bucks West Comments
1st half: Bryn Boylan Goal(18:35), 2nd half:Cadera Smith Goal 1:24. 3 corners . Bri DeAngelis 4 saves.

CB West won 2-1 over Hatboro in regulation on Tuesday. Cadera Smith scored the game winner with 1:26 seconds left in regulation, on a beautiful reverse chip shot from just inside the circle. The game was tied after a well fought first half in which West scored first at 18:35 off a Bryn Boylan shot. Hatboro came back and tied it up with 12:03 left in the half. It was back and forth for the remainder of the half, with West defense holding strong and goalie Bre DeAngelis stepping up and making several huge saves.

The second half was much of the same as both West and Hatboro had chances to score. Hatboro had 5 corners in the first half and 3 corners in the second half. West had a total of 2 corners in the game, both coming in the second half. For 15 minutes in the second half West played a man down. The entire team stepped up to put the pressure on Hatboro.

West plays CB East at War Memorial Field tomorrow at 3:30pm.