Neshaminy vs. Harry S. Truman

Neshaminy Comments
Truman was very organized in the back for the first 50 minutes. Jack McCourt got pulled down in the box and drew a penalty kick. Jamen Rowan converted the PK (50th minute). Larry Geisler got his first goal of the year when he converted a long Eric Schaffer throw (53rd minute). After a nice build up, Kenny Herrman got the ball on the right flank made a perfect pass to Jack McCourt who went in one on one with the keeper and buried the ball in the corner for his 2nd goal of the year (54th minute). Dylan McDonald got his 5th goal of the year when he stole a ball 25 yards from goal, took a couple of touches an buried the shot(77th min).
In the first half we tried going down the middle a bit too much. Once we spread the field, the goals finally came.