Quakertown vs. Central Bucks South

Quakertown Comments
Final score
South 2 Quakertown 0
First half 0-0

South stats
Goal #4 Laura Zakrewski 27:45
goal#3 Emily cliggert
Shots 20
Corners 5

Q 2-4 league play
Shots 8
Saves 13 GK Rylee Lawler

Outstanding defensive battle during the first half. Quakertown had some scoring opportunities early in the game missing tipped shots just wide of the cage. South scored quickly in the second half off a nice penalty corner set up. Quakertown defense held strong until letting up a goal with just over 2 minutes left in the game.

We are taking this game as a learning experience and are going to continue to work together to make strides to move the program in the right direction.