Central Bucks West vs. Pennridge

Central Bucks West Comments
CB West loses to Pennridge in 3 (17-25, 22-25, 16-25)

West was led by
Sophia Videva (5 kills, 5.5 blocks, 1 ace),
Julia Schweibenz (5 kills, 2 aces, 7 digs),
Kelly McKinstry (3 aces, 16 digs),
Ashley Juliano (3 kills, 11 digs),
Kayla King (2 kills, 15 assists, 7 digs).
Pennridge Comments
Pennridge played CB West at West and won in 3.
The scores were 25 to 17, 25 to 22 and 25 to 16.
Steph Judkins had 10 kills 5 digs.
Victoria Jones had 10 kills.
Ariana Pryzbylowski had 8 kills,
Meghan Keefe had 30 assists,
Lauren Drugotch had 6 kills and 5 blocks.
Ana Vitantonio had 5 aces
Kelly Bergen had 11 digs 2 aces.
Next game is Monday home against CB south and it's DIG PINK night for Breast cancer awareness Month.