Hatboro's Jones to Play Volleyball at Kent State

On Friday, Nov. 21, 2014, Hatboro-Horsham senior Sam Jones signed a letter of intent to play volleyball at Kent State University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.


Sam Jones – Kent State University (Volleyball)

Major:  Exercise Physiology

Final list of colleges:  Kent State, Rhode Island

Reasons for choosing Kent State: “When I went on my official last weekend and met all the girls, they were all so cool and really welcoming. When I went to URI, the girls were cool, but it wasn’t that homey feel. The coaches (at Kent State) were volleyball nerds like I am, so I thought it was really cool that we shared that interest. I also really like how the campus is set up, and it has a small town feel.”

What was the progression that led you to playing volleyball at the collegiate level?  “It started in middle school basically when I watched Penn State play. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Ever since then, it was my dream to pursue volleyball in college and play at a high level.”

Coach Kathy Tanner says:  “She’s really excited about going off to college, and the great thing was – she knew going into her senior year that this was already set, but she really made the most of her senior year. She not only contributed athletically but also as a leader. What I love about her as a player is she just continues to help the other girls, the younger ones and the jayvee kids. The kids look up to her.
“It’s not just her athleticism – it’s her commitment to the sport. There’s nobody I’ve known ever who plays as much volleyball as she has. She plays doubles, quads, indoors, outdoors. She’s always playing. She’s the kind of kid I had to pull aside and say, ‘Take it easy. Go out and play tennis or go out and swing a golf club. Go out and have fun with your friends.’ I worried about her burnout, but she’s fine, and that’s just the true passion she has. You can see she’s truly passionate about it.”

About Sam:
Favorite food: 
Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteak
Favorite movie:  The Lord of the Rings: The Movie Trilogy
Favorite music:  Dave Matthews Band