CB East Duo to Play Collegiate Volleyball

On Friday, Dec. 11, 2015, Central Bucks East seniors Kate Woolsey and Natalie Arm were recognized for committing to continue their volleyball careers at the collegiate level. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Natalie Arm – Susquehanna University (Volleyball)
Secondary Education/English with a minor in Spanish
Final list of colleges:  Susquehanna, McDaniel College, Kalamazoo College
Reasons for choosing Susquehanna:  “It was the best overall fit. I really liked the coach and the team.
“I’ll automatically get certified in Pennsylvania, which is really hard to do. That’s where I want to be certified, so it just made the most sense. They also have good study abroad for what I want to do. It was a combination of things.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in volleyball at the collegiate level?  “As soon as I started thinking about it, it was always a yes. As soon it became something to think about or came into view, I definitely did (want to play in college) because I’ve always done it, and being from a volleyball family, I couldn’t picture not.”
Coach Scott Geller says: “Natalie is and was a known force to be reckoned with in the SOL. Her perseverance, determination and passion for this game elevated her to such a high level or the past 4 years. Watching her grow into this player has been rewarding as a coach and can't wait to see what her future brings forth.
“Both these girls have been with me for a number of years and w/o them this program wouldn't have had the success we did!”
About Natalie:
Favorite food: 
Mashed Potatoes
Favorite movie:  He’s Just Not That Into You
Favorite music:  All music

Kate Woolsey – Delaware Valley University (Volleyball)
Small Animal Science
Final list of colleges:  Delaware Valley, East Stroudsburg, Penn State Abington
Reasons for choosing Delaware Valley:  “I’ve always wanted to go there since I was younger. It’s close to home, and I want to stay near home, and it’s a very beautiful campus.”
What was the progression that led you to playing volleyball at the collegiate level?  “I’ve been playing since fifth grade, so I’ve always liked the sport. I decided last year, and I went to a recruiting combine where a lot of college coaches come and watch you.”
Coach Scott Geller says:  “Kate is the type of kid that every coach loves to have on their team. She is a true team player and always willing and able to play any position asked of her. Kate was a versatile player who really stepped up to the challenge her senior year. From opposite to middle to back row, she can play it all! She's going to have a great collegiate career and I can't wait to see what is next for her.”
About Kate:
Favorite food:
Favorite movie: Up
Favorite music: Country