Pennridge's Finelli to Play Lax at Eastern

On Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, Pennridge senior Kyle Finelli was recognized for committing to continue his lacrosse career at Eastern University. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Kyle Finelli – Eastern University (Lacrosse)

Major:  Business

Final list of colleges:  Eastern, Mount St. Mary’s, Sacred Heart

Reasons for choosing Eastern:  “It was just a great fit for me. It was close to home where my brothers and parents could watch me play. They’re a top 20 program, and I want to win when I go there.”

What was the progression that led you to playing lacrosse at the collegiate level?  “I’ve played lacrosse ever since first grade, and it was always one of my goals to play college lacrosse. Sophomore and junior years I really started searching and narrowed down my search my junior into senior summer.”

Coach JP Banks said:  “I’ve coached a lot of different kids and the effort, the enthusiasm - he just plays hard all the time, and he’s a real student of the game. He’s undersized, but he has one of the biggest hearts of any kid I’ve ever coached.
“Kyle was a captain as a junior, and he was a captain again this year. To be able to come into a program and to be able to rely on some of the kids that have been around like Kyle who are leaders of the team and to learn a little bit about the kids, it was really instrumental.”

About Kyle:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Step Brothers
Favorite music:  Hip Hop