Pennridge's Drugotch Commits to Play Hockey at St. Francis

On Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, Pennridge senior Kellie Drugotch was recognized for signing a letter of intent to continue her field hockey career at St. Francis University. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Kellie Drugotch – St. Francis University (Field Hockey)

Major:  Nursing

Final list of colleges:  St. Francis, West Chester, Gwynedd Mercy

Reasons for choosing St. Francis:  “West Chester would not allow me to do nursing and field hockey, so that was not an option. Then it came down to Gwynedd Mercy and St. Francis, and it was basically between the divisions – if I wanted Division One or Division 3.
“The coach at St. Francis is one of the happiest and most supportive people I’ve ever met, and as soon as I went on campus – people say you get that feeling and you just know. I toured the school and I just knew. I met with the coach, and she was so supportive of my education first and field hockey second. She said, ‘Whatever you need, you can always come to me.’ She was just really welcoming, and I just felt like that could be my home.”

What was the progression that led you to playing field hockey at the collegiate level?  “I think I knew my sophomore year when my coach said to me, ‘Are you starting to think about college? You have the potential to play.’ It just kind of progressed from there, and I got into club hockey. Ever since I got into club, she encouraged me to play in college, and ever since then I’ve wanted to play in college. Both of my coaches described their experiences, and it was awesome. I was like, ‘That’s what I want.’”

Coach Becky Spahr says: “Kellie is an incredible hockey player, but she is also an incredible young woman. She was probably one of the first girls that really bought into developing a program at Pennridge and took on a huge leadership role. She’s a two-year captain, and she just really ran with the leadership. I’m definitely going to have to fill some big shoes to fill her role. Dealing with all the little things from making sure our team is getting along to organizing fun events to carrying equipment, Kellie is always the one that helps me with that. She’s been a great leader, especially buying into the program and really wanting to develop something at Pennridge. I hope a couple of years from now we can say it all started with her class and what Kellie brought leadership-wise.”

About Kellie:
Favorite food: 
Southwestern Salad
Favorite movie:  Dear John or anything Nicholas Sparks
Favorite music:  Country