CB West Duo to Play Collegiate Softball

 On Monday, Nov. 28, 2016, Central Bucks West seniors Kelly Cyliax and Emma Dryden were recognized for committing to continue their softball careers at the collegiate level. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Kelly Cyliax – University of Mary Washington (Softball)
Biology with a minor in Neuroscience
Final list of colleges: Mary Washington, Dickinson, Christopher Newport University
Reasons for choosing Mary Washington:  “I really, really liked what the coach said their philosophy was, and I liked the campus. They also have really good programs for biology and doing research with undergrad studies, and that was really important to me.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in softball at the collegiate level?  “I always thought about it. I always wanted to play beyond high school because I really love the sport. I’ve been trying to talk to coaches since my sophomore year, and this past summer was really when it clicked for me to have the opportunity to play.”

Coach Geoff Thompson says:  “Kelly played different positions. She played third, she played first, she played outfield – she played everywhere for us. She’s a leader on the field. She’s an intelligent girl, and she did anything I asked. She does everything really well, so I was glad to see her go on and play in college.”
About Kelly:
Favorite food:  Sushi
Favorite movie:  Mean Girls
Favorite music:  Drake & G-Eazy

Emma Dryden – Drexel University (Softball)
Health Sciences
Final list of colleges:  Drexel, George Washington, George Mason
Reasons for choosing Drexel:  “I knew that I wanted to go to a school in an urban setting, and there are a lot of opportunities with Drexel. It was just a perfect fit for me.”
What was the progression that led you competing in softball at the collegiate level?  “I started thinking about it the beginning of my sophomore year when joined a new travel team, but I had always known I wanted to play in college.”
Coach Geoff Thompson says:  “She’s our team captain, she’s just a real good team leader. The girls really look up to her. She not only leads by talking, but she leads by her play. She’s an excellent center fielder. She’s very smart - you can tell growing up she’s been well coached. She has speed, and she was our leadoff hitter last year.”
About Emma:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Fight Club
Favorite music:  Foo Fighters