CB South's Weeks Commits to Play Field Hockey at Lock Haven

On Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, Central Bucks South senior Megan Weeks was recognized for committing to continue her field hockey career at Lock Haven University. To view photos of the event, visit the Photo Gallery.

Megan Weeks – Lock Haven University (Field Hockey)

Major:  Physician’s Assistant

Final list of colleges:  Lock Haven, Widener, Gwynedd Mercy

Reasons for choosing Lock Haven:  “What made me choose Lock Haven is it’s D1, and I believe that will give me more opportunities. It’s also a good distance from home.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in field hockey at the collegiate level?  “In high school, I started to really enjoy field hockey  – it was getting more competitive. I wanted to continue playing, so this year I decided to play hockey in college.”

Coach Pat Toner says:  “Megan meant so much to the team. She’s fast, she’s very talented, she works very hard and she’s got a fantastic work ethic As a person, she just brought a lightness and a happiness and a positivity to the team that you always want from your leadership. Kids just absolutely loved her and all the coaches did as well. She’s very easy to get to like and know, and I think that sometimes pulls a team together just as much as the talent that they have. Megan played midfield for us, and her strength was her speed on defensive corners. I know that a number of teams had to change their corners around because of her.”

About Megan:
Favorite food:  
Favorite TV show:  The Vampire Diaries
Favorite music:  Today’s hits