Coach: Chelsea Deeter (1st year as head coach)
Assistant: Rich Reice
Last years record: 25-0. State Champions, District champions, SOL champions
Notable losses: Megan Schafer- Penn State. Jessica Kelly- Arcadia. Katie Suchodolski-Marshall. Stephanie Donahue-Ursinus. McKenna Mullin- St.Joe's
Key Returnees: Fran Donato (Senior,Midfielder), Amy Mandia (Senior, Midfielder), Katie McCoy (Senior, Defender), Nicole Nisivoccia (senior, Defender) Julia Andreozzi (Junior,Defender), Holly Bowser (junior, GK) Alyssa Antonelly (Junior, Midfielder), Gabby Farrell (Junior,Forward), Maggie Daeche (Sophomore,Defender), Alyssa Tobin (Sophomore, Forward)
Strengths: Center of the defense, center of the midfield and forwards.
Concerns: Outside players and in the goal.
Outlook: “We want to compete and play hard first and foremost. Also win SOL's.”
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