Upper Dublin Boys' Basketball Preview


Head Coach:  Josh Adelman (9th year)

Assistant Coaches:  Josh Meyer, Brandon Gregg, Bryan DeCarolis

Last Year’s record:  8-14 Overall  -   5-9 League

Key Losses:  Andrew Carber – Center, Morey Hershgordon- Guard, Malcolm Berry- Guard

Key Returnees: Seniors:  Marc Conran, Forward; Zach Greenberg, Forward;Kevin Woods, Guard;   Sophomore: Simeon Fryer, Forward;

Others to Watch:  Juniors: Philip Santerian, Forward; Matt Thompson, Guard; Eddie Weiss, Guard; Sophomores: Ben Abel, Guard;  John Barrett, Guard; Ryan Stover, Forward

Strengths:  The team is returning players that gained quality Varsity experience last season.  The guys are a close-knit group that really loves to compete.  We have very strong Senior leadership.

Question marks:  How quickly can our talented underclassmen get acclimated to Varsity competition. 

Outlook:  “We are playing a very challenging non-league schedule to combine with an already challenging league schedule.  We hope to compete with all the teams we face this season.  We are striving to get back to the district playoffs.”

Games to Watch:  All Suburban One American contests, Upper Dublin Invitational Tournament on Dec. 6 and 7.