Central Bucks South vs. Central Bucks East

Central Bucks South Comments
PC 4
GK saves 8- Cam Puhalla
Defensive save 1

PC 6
SOG 10
GK Saves 8- Brianna Lucas
1st Q goal by Erin Kelly assisted by Kaeli VanDerSluis at 2:06 minute mark.

East had a strong defensive presence in their circle. Their players kept denying us from getting the ball on the goal cage.
Thankfully we came out strong and were able to score with 2:06 mins left on the clock in the first quarter. Kaeli VanDerSluis, who often at times was double teamed, dribbled the ball into the circle and fed a pass in to Erin Kelly who shot it past the goalie. We were dominating that first quarter but then East came alive for the rest of the game, denying our chances of scoring again. We battled back and forth and a few cards were given in the last quarter.
Captain Ella Haag really played spectacular this evening. Her poise and control of the ball under pressure is amazing. Our other Captain Erin Kelly had a great game on attack. Strong defensive play by Sophia Kraft. Avery Tyler and Carrie Williams really did a nice job of covering the middle of the field on both defensively and offensively. The whole Titan Team gets credit for this win.
Central Bucks East Comments
It was an incredibly intense and a pretty statistically even game. Our defense stepped up big tonight lighting an offensive spark and limiting the amount of South’s opportunities. We started off slowly and just picked up momentum a little late in the game. Katie Szczypiorski came up big with a defensive save in the second to keep us in it. We’ll learn from our loss and move forward.