Gwynedd Mercy Academy vs. Central Bucks West

Central Bucks West Comments
CB WEST shots on goal = 24
CB West corners = 19
Gwynedd shots on goal= 27
Gwynedd corners = 20

Scoring Summary:
Q1 9:16 remaining, CB West Aida scored off pass from Eve Damsker
Q2 10:45 CB West Aida scored on an individual effort
Q3 Scoreless
Q4 7:56 remaining, GM Carsey Kelly from a pass by Rory Saxon.

Coach Comments:
TGIF! It was a sloppy game with moments of good hockey and we were able to capitalize when we needed to. Our defensive team including Kendra Pitts, Laney Hall, Heidi Schoenleber, and Eve Damsker saved us on many efforts from Gwynedd. I am proud of the grit our girls showed to stave off the never-give-up spirit of Gwynedd whose team grew stronger and more threatening as the game wore on.