Souderton vs. Wissahickon

Souderton Comments
Period 2, 13:06, Souderton goal by Gianna Radcliffe, assist Autumn Hunter
Period 2, 1:30 Wiss goal by Camillo Lehman
Period 3, 9:21 Wiss goal by Julia Wells
Period 3, 3:00 Souderton goal Julia Blair unassisted
Period 4, 3:25 Souderton goal Tatum Andrews assist Julia Blair
Period 4, 2:45 Souderton goal Tatum Andrews assist Ava Jones
Shots: S - 20, Wiss - 4
Corners: S- 13, Wiss - 4
It was nice to get a win against a team that always finishes in the top 10 of the district power rankings. The game was really back and forth until the last 5 minutes, The girls are very aware that we need to be more efficient in our offensive circle going forward. Obviously, a lot of things are still a "work-in-progress', but we've definitely made strides the in the right direction in the last 2 weeks. Our seniors have done a great job setting expectations and stressing accountability. We face another very tough opponent on Monday (Methacton), so hopefully we will rise to the occasion.