Plymouth Whitemarsh vs. Upper Moreland

Plymouth Whitemarsh Comments
Halftime score
UM 4
PW 0

UM 7
PW 4

Scoring for PW

Bri Reynolds 2g, 1a, 2DC
Meghan Wendler 2g,

Upper Moreland

Annalise Messina 3g
Olivia Meakim 3g
Molly Meakim 1g
Upper Moreland Comments
UM 7 Plymouth Whitemarsh 4

Annalise Messina 3 goals, 1 assist, 3 draw controls
Olivia Meakim 3 goals
Molly Meakim 1 goal, 2 assists
Keira Hess 1 assist, 1 draw control
Charlie Clement 1 assist
Keiley Hawk 1 assist, 1 draw control

Addi Hurley 9 Saves

This was an exciting game! Plymouth Whitemarsh started off the game with the first draw control and had possession of the ball for more than the first 5 minutes. Our defense (Avery Adamski, Cambrie Richmond, Leah King, and Madeline Cox, along with our midfielders Annalise Messina, Keira Hess, and WIllow Taylor) was a huge part of the win today and they were able to hold them off without scoring for the first 6 minutes while PW continued to maintain possession. Addi Hurley also had some huge saves throughout the whole game. Going into halftime the score was 4-0. Our defense continued to stop Plymouth Whitemarsh from scoring. PW did a good job of getting the ball back in the midfield to go back to offense. We went into the 4th quarter with a 7-2 lead, and PW started to gain momentum by scoring two quick goals. Luckily time was on our side and the game ended with a 7-4 score. Both teams really played hard today and it was a great way to start off conference games.