Upper Moreland vs. Strath Haven

Upper Moreland Comments
May 21, 2024 Second Round District Playoffs
UM 10 Strath Haven 9

First quarter 5-0 UM
Second quarter 6-1UM
Third quarter 8-4 UM
End of game 10-9

Annalise Messina 4 goals, 2 assists, 3 Caused turnovers, and 5 draw controls
Olivia Meakim 3 goals, 3 assists, 1 draw control
Willow Taylor 2 goals, 2 caused turnovers, 4 draw controls
Molly Meakim 2 assists
Cambrie Richmond 1 goal
Keiley Hawk 1 draw control

Addi Hurley 19 saves

We came out ready to play from the first minute of the game. We really played hard the whole game, and this first half was one of our best this year. Our defense had another strong showing including Cambrie Richmond, Avery Adamski, Leah King, and Madeline Cox they continue to work well as a unit. Midfielders including Willow Taylor, Annalise Messina, and Keira Hess were all over the field helping to control the tempo of the game. Attack worked together so well today including Olivia Meakim, Molly Meakim, Maggie Morrow, and Keiley Hawk. Maggie Brophy and Ella Gould were key substitutes that helped out the team to this win.

It’s amazing to look back on the season. Last year we graduated 8 seniors and weren’t sure where we would go this year. This team has worked hard for everything they earned this year. I am just so proud of them and the growth they have made this year.

We fought really hard to the end.
Overall we are very excited for another trip to states, but first we look forward to Thursday’s semi-final game!!!