Souderton vs. Central Bucks East

Central Bucks East Comments
First Half Score - 3-1
CBE 36:54 - Mia Forney, unassisted breakaway
CBE 26:20 Stella Genin, assisted by Mia Forney - cut back cross from right to left with a one time finish
Soud 21:06 Hannah Becker, finish of a free kick scramble in front of the six
CBE 2:54 Stella Genin, assisted by Mia Forney - cut back cross from right to left with a one time finish

Second Half
CBE 33:14 Madelyn Hill, on top of the 18, assisted by Taylor Roumy
CBE 24:21 Magee Williamson, assisted by Madelyn Hill
CBE 13:50 Kiera Sleicher, assisted by Jessie Bernabe
CBE 10:43 Mia Forney, assisted by Jessie Bernabe
Soud 6:55 Ella Longacre

Really proud of our girls for digging in tonight and getting better throughout the game. To break a 0-0 game early off such a great effort play by Mia helped us build the intensity. I thought in the first half, we scored 2 really great goals from Stella on the cut back from Mia and all credit for Souderton for making the first half tense. I thought in the second we hit the ground running and it was a total team effort. To see Mads Hill finish off a great team goal, and same with Magee, it makes for a really special night. I thought Kiera Sleicher and Taylor Roumy had a really great bite to their game, and I thought some of the link up and decision making Jessie Bernabe brought to this game gave us confidence. I'm really proud of the effort from the girls rotating in - I thought Cece Hayes and Paige Dougherty stepped in an and gave us some really solid minutes. All eyes to West on Thursday!