Bristol vs. Council Rock North

Council Rock North Comments
Today's game between CR North and Bristol was a special one in so many ways. For Bristol the game paid tribute to former player Gabbie Devine, and raised money for the Gabbie Devine Scholarship Fund; while for CR North, our team got to celebrate a very special milestone. Senior captain Molly Sheehy collected her 100th hit of her high school career when she stroked her 33rd hit of the season in the top of the 7th inning. It was so great to see Molly achieve this milestone. She is such a hard worker, and she truly is a very dangerous hitter. She is the first player to achieve this milestone since I took over coaching at CR North, and I couldn't be more proud of her. Molly fought through a back injury her entire junior season and still put up good numbers to keep her in the hunt for her 100, but now that she is fully healthy she's been prolific and a huge catalyst for our team's success. We are also extremely lucky because when you have a hitter like Molly with a team leading .559 BA and the constant threat of the long ball, teams tend to consider the intentional walk to limit her at bats, but Molly has been getting her swings this season because junior co-captain Sierra Klein has been protecting her with a 1.168 OPS and a team leading 10 extra base hits.

Today's game was a true test of our team's fortitude. Bristol is a really good team. They have good pitching, solid defense, and dangerous bats. We weren't exactly on top of our game, which usually spells disaster against a team like Bristol, but the girls all rallied together to fight for the win, and picked each other up each time we stumbled throughout the game. The bottom of our lineup really came up big for us today with Zoe Hornstein and Liv Schlindwein going a combined 5 for 6 and contributing 2 of our 4 RBI. We really are blessed in the fact that we don't have an easy out in our order, and in tight games like today, it makes a huge difference. Case in point, our 6 - 9 hitters had all 4 of our RBI today. We are also blessed in the fact that we not only have 2 strong pitchers, but our pitchers are great friends and always have each others backs. Nobody cheers louder for the pitcher in the game than the pitcher in the dugout, and the comfort they give each other that they have one another's back and neither has to put it all on their own shoulders is huge. Once again that made all the difference in the world today, when Liv had 7 K's through the first 5 innings but started to get timed a little, Lucy was able to step in and close it out for her by throwing hitless 6th and 7th innings. In general, I just couldn't be prouder of the team effort our girls exhibited today, from the girls in the dugout charting pitches and relaying in signs, to the catchers warming up our pitchers, to Molly driving in her 100th hit, everybody played a hand in the group as a whole coming out on top.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Runs Hits Errors
CR North 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 14 2
Bristol 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 0

2B: Haley Edelman, Sierra Klein
Multiple Hits: Taylor Gearhart, M. Sheehy (3), Sierra Klein, Zoe Hornstein (3), Olivia Schlindwein
RBI: Zoe Hardy, Haley Edelman, Zoe Hornstein, Olivia Schlindwein
Runs: Molly Sheehy, Sierra Klein, Chelsea Seiler, Haley Edelman

CRN Pitching:
Olivia Schlindwein (W): 5 IP, 5 Hits, 3 Runs, 2 ER, 3 BB, 7 K
Lucy Mills (save): 2 IP, 0 Hits, 0 Runs, 0 ER, 0 BB, 1 K