Central Bucks West vs. Cheltenham

Central Bucks West Comments
Non-league game

CB West scored 9 runs on 11 hits, committed 1 errors.

Cheltenham scored 0 runs on 3 hits, committed 2 errors.

Winning pitcher Taylor Bobek - pitched 5 innings, struck out 9, walked 2 and gave up 2 hits. Mackenzie Colburn pitched the last 2 innings for West giving up 1 hit, struck out 4 and walked 1.

Taylor Bobek's record is now 3 and 0.

Danielle Cyr had 3 hits (2 triples), 3 RBI's & scored 3 runs.

Taylor Bobek had 3 hits (2 triples), 2 RBI's

Jaclyn Rupert had 3 singles.