Central Bucks West vs. Quakertown

Central Bucks West Comments
CB West scored 5 runs on 7 hits and committed 2 errors while QT scored 1 run on 5 hits and they committed 2 errors. Taylor Bobek was the winning pitcher as she gave up 5 hits, 1 run, Struck out 3
and walked 0. Hughes was the losing pitcher as she gave up 5 runs on 7 hits and QT committed 2 errors. West 2 in the 1st, 1 in the 2nd, 5th,& 6th innings. QT scored 1 in the 4th inning.
Taylor Bobek and CB West record is now 9w - 6losses. CBW extra base hits by Shelby Spressart
triple & Jaclyn Press a double. QT Rachel Rice & Courtney Taggert doubles. West plays H-H Monday,
CBSouth Tuesday, & CB East next Thursday. South & East are at West and H-H at H-H.