Haverford HS vs. North Penn

North Penn Comments
NP 6 Haverford 1
NP Emily Groarke 3 for 5, Kariam Bou 2 for 4, Jamie Beer 3 for 4, Vicky
Juckniewitz 1 for 4 2RBI
WP Bri Battavio complete game, 1 run, o earned runs, 6 hits, 7KO, 1BB
NP Runs by inning: 2 in the 2nd inning, 4 in the 7th inning. Haverford
having a 230' fence hurt us as we had 3 hits all with girls on base (one
with bases loaded) long enough to go over a 200' fence that were caught by
H runs by inning: 1 in the 1st inning.

Big win against the 3rd seed in the recent District One 6A seedings.

Next game for NP Wednesday home against Souderton 3:45 start