Upper Moreland vs. Upper Dublin

Upper Dublin Comments
#12 - Upper Dublin - 7, #5 - Upper Moreland - 2. UM scored 1 in the 1st and 1 in the 3rd; UD scored 4 in the 3rd and 3 in the 7th. Upper Dublin left 9 runners on base and committed 3 errors; UM left 9 errors on base and had 0 errors.

Winning Pitcher: Kyla Garrison - 7 inns, 11 Ks, 3 BBs, 4 hits, 2 (unearned) runs
Losing Pitcher: Delaney Stout - 7 inns, 6 Ks, 6 BBs, 10 hits, 7 runs (6 earned)

Game Recap
UM scored their 1st run when Steph Jones led the game off with a walk, advanced to 2nd on a single (Kelly Bates), tagged up on a pop fly in foul territory behind deep 1st base and scored on an infield error (Joslyn McCellan). UD answered back in the top of 3rd: Jolie Sheppard led off with a single to left, then Maddie Small drew a 1-out walk and Kaitlyn Zacharia reached on a single to load the bases. Madden Reilly hit a single to score Sheppard and M. Small, and Garrison followed with a 2-run double to plate Zacharia and Sarah O'Brien (courtesy runner for Reilly). UM would add another unearned run in the bottom of that inning when Claire Walton reached base on an infield error with one out. McCellan reached base on a fielder's choice in the next at bat after UD's Kate Brannigan fielded a ground ball to throw out Bates at the plate for the 2nd out of the inning. Walton would later score on a single by Distel to make the game 4-2. UD put the game out of reach in the top of the 7th. Madden Reilly drew a lead-off walk (O'Brien, courtesy runner) followed by a single by Garrison (Sophie Cowen, courtesy runner). Kaitlin Small then followed with a 1-out bunt single to load the bases and Lizzie Tambourino connected on a 2-RBI single up the middle to plate O'Brien & Cowen. K. Small would then later score on a pass ball to make it 7-2. Garrison would then close out the game with a 1-2-3 inning to retire the side.

Side note - Kyla Garrison also recorded her 400th career strikeout in this outing (Picture attached, along with battery-mate Madden Reilly)

Offensive Highlights:
UD - Madden Reilly was 1 for 3 with 2 RBIs
UD - Kyla Garrison was 3 for 4 with a double and 2 RBIs
UD - Kaitlyn Small was 3 for 4 with a run scored
UD - Lizzie Tambourino was 1 for 4 with 2 RBIs.

UM - Kelly Bates, Erin Distel, Kaylee Brown, and Delaney Stout all recorded hits

Upper Dublin will move on to face #4 seed, West Chester East on Wednesday 5/22/24 at 4 PM.