Central Bucks West vs. Conestoga

Central Bucks West Comments
Central Bucks West lost in three to Conestoga Saturday the 21st. The Bucks fought through three sets, adjusting to a faster pace of offensive play, making smart plays, and staying aggressive. Despite the loss, the Bucks kept consistent pressure on Conestoga, remaining in the fight. Molly Kearns played with tenacity, remaining persistent and consistent with outside attacks. Ava Streibig kept Conestoga under pressure through her serving. Additionally, Kya Lynch supported her team with consistent and aggressive attacks as well as through her serving. The Bucks take on C.B. South at home on Tuesday the 24th.

Set Scores:
25-22, 26-24, 25-19
Elisa Kremser: Aces: 2 Assists: 16 Blocks: 2 Digs: 5
Erinn McCusker: Assists: 9 Kills: 2 Blocks: 1 Digs: 13
Kya Lynch: Aces: 7 Kils: 14 Digs: 13
Emily Ferrese: Assists: 1 Digs: 12
Molly Kearns: Kills: 2 Digs: 4
Ava Streibig: Kills: 5 Blocks: 3 Digs: 3